Nabit v1.1

Тема в разделе "Коммерческие", создана пользователем Esel Waibee, 1 окт 2012.

  1. Esel Waibee

    Esel Waibee

    30 сен 2012

    Nabit is a software platform that lets you run your own freebie marketplace for people to give away unwanted items and for people to find great freebies

    Now you can promote your site as a place which brings together austerity and environmental awareness in one central location. In our consumerist world we know that it is environmentally unfriendly to throwaway unwanted items even when they still work and have a use. On top of that we have had to tighten our belts considerably and taking freebies whenever we can is savvy thinking rather than something to be pitied.

    pikasso нравится это.