altair, no problem with source when you download from, i has install at www upboxs dot com. profile picture, avatar, categories pictures and admin panel looks so good. pin, add pin, and video without problem. only facebook login have problem try this for clean installation Edit htacces: RewriteBase /pin106 to RewriteBase / Find application/config/application.ini frontController.baseUrl = "http/localhost:8182/pin106/" must change to frontController.baseUrl = "http/ Then go to:
это понятно, что так правильно настраивать, но ещё нужно внести изменения по замене ссылок вот в этом файле d1ce40d14280aedf6c1f687ed23ecf15_main.css.gz который находится по адресу cache/css именно файл .gz а не .css кстати, как настроить
i'm just edit /cache/css/d1ce40d14280aedf6c1f687ed23ecf15_main.css file, remove all references http://localhost/pin106 and should be ok
musicfront, у меня в файле (/cache/css/d1ce40d14280aedf6c1f687ed23ecf15_main.css) вообще нету ( http://localhost/pin106
i think you have missing images file, are you sure using pintastic from ? i dont make any changes, working perfect for me
try this, extract to /uploads folder. i'm zip from my folder if you have missing images files, or maybe you wrong to make permission folder
try to replace this file bootstrap.php on /aplication. if you still have problem, will send / upload new source from my cpanel.