[Хак] (3.3.4) Limit Thread Views For Guests

Тема в разделе "Хуки и Компоненты IP.Board 3.3.x", создана пользователем cupin06, 10 июл 2013.

  1. cupin06


    15 июн 2013
    Limit Thread Views For Guests

    This hook will limit thread viewing for guests. After guests will reach the maximum view of threads set up by the admin they will be presented with a register/login message in order for them to continue to view the threads at your forum.

    After you install the LimitThreadGuests.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it at the System Settings.

    There you will see a new setting called NenaDice. Click on it and configure the hook to your needs. You can enable/disable the hook, set the maximum thread views for guests which by default it is set to 5 views. You can also enter the message that you want to appear to guests when they reach the maximum thread views. You can use Html and BB Code at your message. And as last but not least, you can choose which forums you would like to exlude from the maximum thread views restriction.
