ExpressionEngine 2.6.1 Список изменений: General Changes: ExpressionEngine now requires PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.3. Relationships field improvements: New interface Supports multiple relationships Provides infinitely nestable relationship tags Provides access to siblings and parents SafeCracker support Timezone selection menus now include all timezones for automatic date localization and handling of Daylight Saving Time rules. Added Subscriber List tag to the Comment Module Added inline option to paginate parameter. Added new variables to the Channel Next/Previous tags: {channel_short_name} {channel} {channel_url} {comment_entry_id_auto_path} {comment_url_title_auto_path} Added new variable {comment_subscriber_total} to the Channel Entries tag. Modified channel entries to no longer allow conditional parsing within content (See Update Notes for Version 2.6 for details) Entry View Tracking is now disabled by default. Server offset setting has been removed from Localization Settings and is now a hidden configuration variable only, called server_offset. Added SMTP Server Port to the Email Configuration page. Added a hidden config, email_smtp_crypto, that allows you to specify an encryption protocol for SMTP email. PHP’s upload_max_filesize setting is now displayed in the File Upload Preferences form. Added a status_code=”” parameter to the {redirect} tag allowing you to specify the status code of the redirect. Currently only accepts 3xx status codes. smtp_password is now an input of type=”password” in Admin->Email Configuration. Added category_url_title to the category edit page table after Category Name. Changed password reset flow to remove an unnecessary step and force them to change their password. Added channel_short_name variable to the comment entries tag. Added the ability to use the system default thumbnails inside file field variable pairs. Template manager no longer automatically adds files starting with ._.
download and upload via FTP when i run the script i dont see the installtion process screen are blank not signl image, word see?