Do you like having polls on your IP.Content homepage? Do you find it cumbersome to have to go into your Admin CP to change the link to the topic every time you have a new poll to display? If so, this is the block for you. Plugin config allows you to specify which FORUM to pull polls from. It will automatically pull the LATEST poll from whatever forum you specify. If you want a little more control, you can even have it set to only pull the latest PINNED poll. So all you have to do from the front end is pin or unpin your polls to control which is displayed on the front page! You also have control over what groups can see your poll. You should note, however, that forum permissions are still honored. If the member / guest does not have permission to read or reply to the toipc, they won't be able to submit a vote or see the results. If they can read the topic, they can see the results but not vote. If they can reply to the topic, the block will be fully functional. This block can be easily styled to meet your sites needs! What's New in Version 1.0.2 (See full changelog) Fixed issue where the block pulled old polls instead of newer ones. Download