Powerful Curation Software To Help You Create Profitable Authority Sites WIthout The Pain Of Doing It Manually. Find and Curate Interesting Content Search for fresh and exciting articles from Google blog search, News search, Twitter or your even your own feeds. When you have found a good new source of content you can either use it immediately, or save it in your own collection. Explore and expand suggested keywords directly from the Google and Amazon using the built in keyword explorer tool. Publish directly to your blog empire all from within the app. You can even schedule or backdate posts, use the blog's categories and use the homepage only feature (sticky post). Curate content responsibly by automatically inserting the correct attribution links to the source articles correctly recognising the authors. Inserting images that are licensed under the creative commons licensing model. sales pages : http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...authority-sites-publish-killer-content.html#1 download Nulled http://depositfiles.com/files/7u7abkqrf OR http://www.mediafire.com/?90xkb1c47ytly4t original https://s3.amazonaws.com/app-download/PageOneCurator.zip