YES, help me and bucha. Zalexstudio, deleteman or $id. give me a clue how to create RSS button. --- добавлено: 27 окт 2012 в 21:55 --- could you tell me your site ?
Sorrry, but I am just testing... Let see your site, and we will push each other with new ideas and updates to do our sites better and better
HI, where i can add more share buttons? for pin? There is Facebook, tweet, G+ but i want add more? it what template? in pin.tpl ? i have chacked there is thouse codes but when i add my own it not showing. Thanks/
Em I got problem i have edited CreateBoard.php and Createboard2.php and edit_board.php like there is writed for russian language. All works fine. BUT i get error when a register a new user and need to create first boards! there i get error: Error: Your board name can only contain the letters A-Z and numbers 0-9 link is on welcome step 3! where can be problem? Thanks.
I think PinMe is the best, but you have to try all so that you can choose the best based on your condition
PinMe Script Version 1.7 Released! Changes: follow member button added to member profile pages pin it button improvement to show pins when you are scrolled down on the page signup page improvement to remember first name and last name when there is an error more special characters added to supported board names: ÄÖÜäöüßñÑáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚÅåõÕ'
after try pintastic, i think pinme is the best. easy for modify and more powerfull. Hoping ... can see 1.7 on this site.
Добрый день! у меня такая же проблема что и у Agris, на 3 шаге регистрации, выдает ошибку: Ошибка: Ваше имя коллекции может содержать буквы A-Z и цифры 0-9 почистил везде где встречается ошибка "105", а именно: createboard.php, createboard2.php, edit_board.php, welcome.php сделал так: elseif(preg_match("/[]+/i",$name)) { $error = $lang['105']; } в чем еще может быть проблема? Помогите пожалуйста.
sigiziy, для того чтобы можно было вводить русские символы, надо сделать так:
в welcome.php, стандартно стоит так: if(!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/i",$ocheck)) { $error = $lang['105']; } если я меняю на: elseif(preg_match("/[\~\`\!\@\#\№\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\+\=\{\}\[\]\<\>]+/i",$name)) { $error = $lang['105']; } страница welcome - вообще не работает,